Blogs Are Stupid

Doesn't anyone believe in Dear Diary anymore? What happened to the joy of putting actual pen to paper? And why does every ordinary Jane and John think they can write well enough to burden the world with their scribblings? It’s a mystery that badly needs solving. My first entry contains my thoughts about blogging and will set your expectations. The rest will probably be stream of consciousness garbage, much like you’ll find on any other blog. Perhaps we will both come away enlightened.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


So...wait...let me get this straight...

According to Christian doctrine, good...

Buuuuuuttt..... bad...

THAT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. And nor does any belief system that supports and promotes such intolerance. Hate is good and love is bad? NO WAY Christians. Even if suddenly everything else about Christianity made sense to me, that would be a deal killer. Don't tell me it's not hateful. Don't tell me it's "what the Bible says". I don't have any respect for people who use the Bible as a weapon. The bottom line is, we know better than to hate each other. We know better and we have to do better. Period.