So...wait...let me get this straight...
According to Christian doctrine, good...
Buuuuuuttt..... bad...
THAT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. And nor does any belief system that supports and promotes such intolerance. Hate is good and love is bad? NO WAY Christians. Even if suddenly everything else about Christianity made sense to me, that would be a deal killer. Don't tell me it's not hateful. Don't tell me it's "what the Bible says". I don't have any respect for people who use the Bible as a weapon. The bottom line is, we know better than to hate each other. We know better and we have to do better. Period.
At 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
That video right there sums up the religious right in it's most primal form. Let's not forget that Christians since the beginning of their time raped, murdered, and pillaged in the name of their "God."
The only "God" I ever wanna hear about is one my girl calls out to while we're having sinful sex.
At 3:18 PM,
Blog Antagonist said…
HA! Thanks for making me laugh, Anonymous. I couldn't agree more.
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
For every idiot that hits the news, who behaves like this and claims to be Christian, there are hundreds and hundreds more who sincerely believe and genuinely practice Christianity. But here is the problem; that isn't news to our media. No, they need a "man bites dog" story, not dog bites man. My neighbor who quietly makes sure one of her son's classmates has a school lunch every day, a stay-at-home mom at my church who basically keeps our food pantry open by extreme couponing, my mother-in-law who always knows who is sick or recovering from surgery in her farming community and makes sure that they have help with their chores, and my husband who can look directly into the face of the most insulting, rude customer on earth and respond directly and quietly to solve a problem. THESE are the Christians that never seem to make the news. There are many, many more of them out there. Sadly, it is the maniac who hits the airwaves. I have witnessed many in my church community become enlightened and change their views with regard to same sex partnership and marriage. There are same-sex couples now at my church and they are welcomed. People are learning; yes, it is happening out there. I hope you will have the opportunity to experience it. I am sorry that there are idiots out there who claim to be Christians. There are MANY who walk the talk.
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