Real Moms Eat Pussy
So. Since I have nothing new and fresh to offer up for your edification, I am going to repost this piece for the benefit of my new fans. Or detractors. Whomever they may be.
Because this piece seems to be getting a lot of attention on my statcounter. I suspect that the link has been posted somewhere, but I'm not having much luck figuring out where. It may be a closed forum or blog.
Perhaps it's the Huckabee contingent plotting how to bring about my downfall. Apparently, Georgia is rife with his minions.
Mike Huckabee, this one's for you.
Got your attention? Good.
The lovely Mrs.Chicky tagged me for a meme. Normally, I turn up my nose at memes. I’m not much of a joiner and I really am not what you would call a team player. I can do it, and quite well, but my natural inclination is always to strike out on my own, forge my own path, create my own destiny.
But the topic of this meme struck me as really important. Because we all have this idea of what we as Mothers should do, and be, and aspire to. If we don’t live up to that standard we consider ourselves failures. But many of the mothering ideals that we try to conform to are unrealistic and even destructive because they propose a one size fits all approach to parenting. I won’t go into all the reasons why this is an exercise in madness and futility….that’s another post for another day.
What I really wanted to do is address the issue of what Real Moms are in a way that means something. I began to consider all the traps that we Moms fall into, believing that we are unworthy or unfit or undeserving of the title.
My dear friend Nina came to mind.
Nina is a wonderful Mother. She is the light of so many lives; the calm in the storm of adolescence for her older children, a ray of sunshine and mirth maker for her younger. She always puts her children first. She is their champion and their friend.
Recently, Nina has come out as a gay woman after many, many years of trying to live up to society’s view of what is acceptable, moral, and appropriately representative of the American ideal.
I can scarcely fathom the courage that must have taken, or the terror she must have felt at leaving everything that was comfortable and safe behind.
Who Nina is has not changed. Not really. Not as a person, not as a mother.
Nina has shown her children that it is not only okay be true to who you are, it is vitally important. She has embraced that which has marked her as different and by doing so, Nina has exemplified strength, courage and honesty for them.
But there are certain factions who would now denounce her adequacy, competency and value as a parent. There are certain factions who would take away her right to be a mother, and deny it others like her. There are certain factions who believe that simply by virtue of her sexual orientation, she is undeserving and unfit.
This, of course, is pure inimical bullshit.
I know plenty of heterosexual men and women who harbor a perversion of the soul. I know Christian folks who are morally corrupt and patently evil. I know people who are accepted by every societal standard as normal who are anything but.
It’s sheer lunacy to assign parenting worth or ability based on sexual orientation.
My personal tastes run more to the mainstream, but I’m certainly not going to hold myself in higher esteem as a parent because I prefer tubesteak to taco.
So the next time you see a same sex couple pushing a stroller or a swing...don’t look away. Make eye contact. Smile. And ask them about their baby or their child. Acknowledge them as peers and compatriots. Because society has tried to negate their validity on every level, when in some ways, they have more to offer than we do.
Who better to teach a child about tolerance, acceptance, and unconditional love than someone who has been denied it?
Real Moms eat pussy. Thank goodness.
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is a TOTAL hotbutton issue for me. Once, a distant cousin was visiting, shortly after I had Zach. I mentioned that we had gay friends who were looking to adopt a baby. Her response: "Is it really fair? Shouldn't a child have a mother and a father?"
She said this to ME! ME! This is a woman who knew my mother before she died. This is a woman who knew I was removed from my father's home. If my gay friends want to adopt, dude, they are giving some kid a helluva better childhood than I had.
At 3:46 PM, said…
Oh, I am totally laughing at all of the googles you're gonna get off of this post!
And I love the tubesteak to taco comparison. Elegant, succinct...
Personally, as long as someone has a good heart, I've never cared what their gender preference, skin color or religion is. Being anything different than I am isn't wrong or right - just different.
At 3:46 PM, said…
Oh, I am totally laughing at all of the googles you're gonna get off of this post!
And I love the tubesteak to taco comparison. Elegant, succinct...
Personally, as long as someone has a good heart, I've never cared what their gender preference, skin color or religion is. Being anything different than I am isn't wrong or right - just different.
At 3:59 PM,
Foofa said…
For some reason seeing same sex couples with babies make me incredibly happy, often more so than hetero couples. I guess I just know that they really WANTED that kid and that kid is going to be seriously loved. It isn't an easy process.
At 5:03 PM,
Amy Y said…
Amen, Mama.
At 5:17 PM,
Geri said…
As a lesbian mother and grandma...Thank You.
At 7:09 PM,
flutter said…
I say any kid raised in a loving, and supportive environment is a lucky lucky kid.
At 9:06 PM,
Fairly Odd Mother said…
Great post. Your sexual preference has no bearing on what kind of parent you are. It scares me how many kids are taught differently.
At 9:09 PM,
Unknown said…
Honestly, I look at gay couples and think about how much more they enjoy life than those of us who live as man and woman. They seek culture, and the arts, and most generally have a profound love of culinary foods. Myself, I don't do culture, I hate the arts, and food is what I make it (although I can, and do, cook quite well). If I had to go up against a gay couple for the custody of a child, I would HANDS down let them have it. They have so much more to offer than I, and I'm a mother of 4. Am I the only one who has noticed that clear distinction between homosexual and heterosexual couples? I say, as long as they aren't asking me to participate (or watch) behind closed doors.. let them be. I have a gay uncle, and it's made me open my eyes tenfold. Great topic.
At 11:15 PM,
SUEB0B said…
Real parents are those who always try to do right by their children. Period.
Your title made me hoot.
At 1:09 AM,
Girlplustwo said…
how i love you, BA.
At 1:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I couldn't read it, seems your link is not working, and I'd love to read it. It was referenced from another blog...that is how i got here.
At 7:59 AM,
Lisa said…
Found you through the Baronness, and glad I did. Am neither a lesbian nor a mother, but still want to shout out a big AMEN! Your last sentence about the importance of teaching tolerance, acceptance and unconditional love was spot on right ... after all, isn't that what we all want?
I'l be back .... Barbra Peapod
At 10:42 AM,
Mitzi Green said…
"prefer tubesteak to taco."
i'm real glad i wasn't trying to swallow anything when i read that, or it would have come shooting from my nostrils. hilarious.
and i would readily trade any of my gay friends for my son's biological father ANY day.
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
SueB0b's got it right on the definition of a good parent. What I'd love to understand though is how a person who has been married figures out/decides/discovers that they are gay. I don't mean that negatively at all, I'm just curious.
On a related the concept of defining marriage as only between a man and a woman is idiotic to me. Gender or sexual orientation has no bearing on whether two people love one another and should be allowed to marry.
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well said - thanks for reposting this as I missed it the first time around.
Methinks you are getting a lot of traffic to this piece because of the title. People google sick things - I have some real nutters coming to my site. Oh, how disappointed they must be when they come for a visit and there is nothing pornographic about it.
At 12:47 PM,
NatzG said…
Hi! I found you at Ms WheelsontheBus. And I LOVE this post. Well said!
My step-children's mother is gay and raised her kids for a while with another woman. They were fabulous together. It all fell apart though, when she traded in her 4 year stable married-like lesbian relationship for a affair with a married woman who was pregnant. A mess. Her homosexuality is not a problem at all. But her non-stability is.
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
i thought it was fucking good i love porn in that way so i say keep it FUCKING up
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