Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmmm......
I firmly believe in keeping religion out of the schools. I am quite rabid about it, actually.
Paradoxically, I do not mind my child saying the pledge of allegiance. I don't find the phrase "One Nation Under God" offensive because I haven't quite made the paradigm shift from agnosticism to atheism, and I believe that "One Nation under God" can mean God in any of his many manifestations.
I suppose God himself does not offend me; only those who insist that their own beliefs are unassailable.
Not long ago, some whack job (coughkathycoxcough) decided to take up the cause to eliminate all references to evolution in textbooks here in Georiga in favor of intelligent design. Yes, she is still in office. That should tell you something about the mindset of voters here in Georgia.
Anyway, I think about evolution and creationism and intelligent design a lot.
Recently, a post by my friend Nina got me to thinking about vaginas and that led to some more woolgathering about intelligent design.
How does one make the leap from vaginas to intelligent design? you might ask.
Well, that is a staggeringly legitimate question.
What I was wondering was this:
For all you proponents of intelligent design...
How do you explain the fact that the clitoris is on the outside?
Stupendously unintelligent design, folks.
And the g-spot? Nice afterthought, but in a once again flagrant display of profoundly lacking insight, the male member was not designed in such a way as to actually reach it. Easily.
You know why women put perfume behind the knees? So they don't have to smell their own knee sweat when they are...erm...facilitating the reaching of the g-spot.
Yeah. I'm sticking with evolution.
Nature screws up. That's believable. Omnipotent being not foreseeing a problem with that whole arrangement? Not so much.
At 7:10 AM,
Unknown said…
Mind you though, that men are able to climax with nary any stimulation, for a good percentage of the population. I mean, really. WTF?? Haven't we been put through enough being women (pms, children, menopause, lactating.. the list goes on) that having to be a contortionist with the right equipment to cause a mind blowing orgasm should not be added to our list of problems. Plus, the whole clitoris on the outside thing.. there's only so much that thing can be stimulated in xx amount of years before it starts getting used to it and it gets harder to reach that peak. Damned, that's what we, as women, are. Damned!
At 8:47 AM,
Life As I Know It said…
Ha Ha! An excellent, thought provoking, post!
At 12:30 PM,
nina michelle said…
I didn't have my first orgasm until I was 24 years old...sadly I was alone at the time.
I have always been the lucky recipient of really.good.orgasms...
all through clitoral stimulation. However, those themselves seem to involve a reaction in the vaginal walls. I can't even imagine what a vaginal orgasm would feel like.
At 12:32 PM,
Angela said…
Wow. Even the Catholic in me is questioning herself now. Fantastic points--all! Heheh...
At 1:40 PM,
Foofa said…
Sadly evolution does note require the female orgasm. There has to be enough enjoyment to put up with the man but it isn't required for the woman. Amen to evolution.
At 2:02 PM,
Amy Y said…
Amen, Mama (no pun intended) :)
At 4:42 PM,
Random Thinker said…
I only tell one thing to intelligent designers to shut them up - "Men's nipples".
At 4:49 PM,
anne said…
I love your argument for evolution. Love, love, love it.
At 7:41 PM,
mamatulip said…
Great argument here, BA.
At 7:45 PM,
Sharon Matherson said…
I'm a Christian who believes in evolution. I also happen to be studying biochemistry at the moment, and I can tell you that I frequently question intelligent design. I won't bore you with the chemistry, but there are some physiological pathways in our body that take a bazillion steps just to make one molecule that, in other organisms, is made in ten steps.
At 9:35 PM,
flutter said…
That we have clitorii at all is pretty intelligent :)
can you imagine how much more fragged up childbirth would be with that on the inside? oof.
At 11:25 PM,
S said…
spot on.
(and why the hell DO men have nipples?)
At 12:49 AM,
Girlplustwo said…
i am dying over here.
At 5:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Perhaps it is punishment for the whole apple/Eden fiasco.
At 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm going get way too technical, but flutter has it right. The clit has a high concentration of nerve endings. Put that bad boy on the inside and no women in her right mind would ever want to get pregnant.
At 9:34 AM,
PunditMom said…
And you should be teaching that evolution class!
At 4:28 PM,
Forever In Blue Jeans said…
Intelligent design would include a way to add, subtract or place things as we saw fit. I think Nina wrote a post on being able to turn off menstruation when you didn't want or need it anymore. I LIKE that idea! So along those lines.. wouldn't be nice to put it where you wanted it?...just sayin'... though.. mine is quite happy where it is thank you very much.
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