I arrived at the courthouse prompty at 8:30 as directed. I made my way to the holding tank, and...held.
We read, we surfed the web, (but I decided not to bring my laptop) we chatted, we paced, we watched daytime television (but no CourtTV or local news), we snacked.
At noon, all but 11 of us were told they could leave for the day because all the cases on the docket had been resolved except one. My panel was asked to report back at 1:30.
Most of us were back by 1:00, thinking we would be going in for jury selection (only six of the eleven on the panel would be needed). But we didn't. We waited some more.
At 2:00, we were told the case had plead out and we could go home.
I was really kind of getting excited about sitting on a jury. At first I was just pissed off at the world over the entire situation. But then I began to relax and realize it might be interesting to see the judicial system at work.
So I was actually disappointed when they let us go. Plus, you know...we'd been sitting there all day. It seemed like a big fat waste of time to have waited all that time, only to be dismissed.
The court clerk said she would try her best not to schedule our panel on the calendar tomorrow since we had been there two days in a row. But...there are 246 cases pending this week, and they have to plan as if every one of them is going to trial.
So who knows.
I have to wonder if this is the most efficient way of doing things.
At 5:23 PM,
Amy Y said…
Indeed. At least you are getting some reading time in ~ that's precious if you ask me :)
At 5:45 PM,
Girlplustwo said…
it's kind of it's own special holiday (in a cattle car) isn't it?
At 5:45 PM,
Girlplustwo said…
it's kind of it's own special holiday (in a cattle car) isn't it?
At 9:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
My husband sat on a jury for a murder trial for 10 days...then the case was dismissed.
He was pissed. What a colossal waste of time to spend listening intently only to have the case dismissed. Why was it dismissed? Because the English interpreter used "the" instead of "that"...I swear it's true.
At 9:48 PM,
Life As I Know It said…
I had jury duty last week, but didn't get paid! I think you only get paid if you get picked to sit on a jury.
Either way, I had a morning off from Mom duty ;)
At 10:18 PM,
Antique Mommy said…
I would love to get on a jury. I get called about once a year but always get dismissed, but oh my goodness, the crazy people wearing all kinds of different crazy in that giant waiting room. I love to watch people. Great blog material.
At 11:49 PM,
flutter said…
I get to do the same thing very soon
At 12:36 AM,
Christine said…
What a wonderful way to spend our taxpayer money!
Sorry for that.
It's just that I am a big believer that our governemt is so bloated and full of red tape (that is, wastes OUR money), that whenever I hear a personal story like this I can't help but think about how it plays out in the corporate world, where instead of tens or hundreds of dollars they are thinking in terms of tens of thousands (or millions) of dollars.
Or millions.
They spend our time and money so freely.
At 12:37 AM,
Christine said…
I meant, or billions :).
At 3:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Same has happened to me. But no coffee. No magazines. No WiFi. Just sitting and waiting and then nada.
I was looking forward to it too. I had my kick arse, jury chick shoes all picked out too...
At 5:02 AM,
KP said…
I've been in two juries. (The last one still nags. I wish I'd pressed the issue more that it was more than obvious the case was botched.)
I live in St. Louis city, which is not part of St. Louis County; ergo, denizens of the city tend to get jury duty every few years.
At 8:18 PM,
Woman in a Window said…
Evil, evil jury duty. Oh, and necessary and all that, too, but hell...
Can't people sign up for this stuff, you know, like war and all that. (Oh boy, here comes the hate mail...)
At 8:22 PM,
Unknown said…
I've been called twice for jury duty, first time didn't get on. Second time I was in the midst of moving so they told me I was no longer elegible.
At 7:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
As it turns out, efficiency has nothing to do with jury duty. Or probably anything else run by the government for that matter. Still, it is the best we system we have, so good for you for going and sticking it out.
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
All I got for jury duty was free parking...Damn.
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
My husband was on a jury for a very disturbing crime. The defendant pled out halfway through.
And $25 would be a princely sum around here - our jury pay doesn't even cover the cost of a day's parking.
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