This is not good-bye, I don't think. I've tried that, twice, and both times I came slinking back begging you to love me again within two weeks.
That's embarassing.
So I'm taking a break. If I start to miss it, then I'll know it's not over and I'll come back when my motivation has returned.
But maybe, I'll be inspired to go on to other things. That wouldn't be a bad thing. I feel that I am somewhat mired in the instant gratification of comments, and as such, not motivated to strive for more.
SIGH. I have no idea what I'm saying here.
I'm feeling a little jaded, I guess, about the whole ball of blogging wax.
There are those of you that I adore and can't bear not to "see" everyday, so I'll make the rounds when I can.
Thanks to everyone who has read Blogs Are Stupid these last three years, and left such insightful, thought provoking and just plain enteraining comments.
At 6:38 PM,
Unknown said…
DO NOT MAKE ME CRY. I will be horribly sad if you disappear. Please...take some time and then come back stronger. You're one of the best writers I know and I live for your posts. They inspire me like no other blogger. I'll miss you, but you take care of you, and then come back to us when you're renewed.
At 6:58 PM,
Amy Sue Nathan said…
I hope you come back...and I hope you visit me at my new "place." I know you have writer's blood and veering thoughts in another direction is always good.
At 7:25 PM,
Middle Girl said…
A writer writes...always. Be it here, someplace else or some combo thereof, enjoy.
You will be missed and it has been a treat to find you here.
I savor the experience.
At 7:39 PM,
Woman in a Window said…
wow. and your apple's back in your mouth and everything!
you'll be missed.
that is, unless you're back.
At 7:51 PM,
Amy Y said…
Enjoy your hiatus. Selfishly, I hope it won't last long!
At 8:21 PM,
Notes and letters to myself.... said…
Hey you - we will be here waiting until you decide to come back or not. Sending you happy thoughts in your life.
At 8:28 PM,
All Things BD said…
Am sad to see you go, but my hope is the next thing I read from you would be your super awesome book. I refuse to believe your voice will remain silent.
At 11:12 PM,
Shelley Jaffe said…
I am going to be completely selfish and say that I'm heartbroken.
You have been one of my favorite daily reads, and such an inspiration to me. I will ache for your insights, your spirit, your eloquence and your humor.
Please excuse me - I have a pity party to go to.
(You know where to find me off page-please keep in touch.)
May you find rest and peace for your writing soul, and may you divine the source for your creative well. Soon.
At 8:24 AM,
tracey.becker1@gmail.com said…
We all need breaks now and then. Enjoy yours. I can't wait to see your name pop up on my Bloglines again!
At 8:42 AM,
Tania said…
I hope it's temporary. I'll be watching bloglines for you.
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Please don't stay away too long. You will be missed by many.
At 11:44 AM,
Foofa said…
enjoy your break. I've been on a huge one myself. Even a hilarious pickpocketing attempt didn't get me writing, it may be something in the air. We'll be here if you come back
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, please don't jump ship forever! Feel free to lounge on the beach for a bit, have a margarita (or two), and read lots of delicious books. But, your blog is such fun and brain tickling. Like many other commenters have said-- your material is the best! It's the most intelligent stuff out there. I always read your blog last cause it's the best.
I refuse to accept that you're gone for good. So, enjoy your vacation and tell us all about it when you get back. K?
At 1:12 PM,
mamatulip said…
I completely understand how you feel, and to be honest, I sensed something like this might be coming from you. I am all for breaks - I think every blogger should take one...and although I will understand if you do end up moving on, I really do hope you don't. I have always enjoyed your blog; your writing is unique and really, really good.
Be well.
At 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll definitely miss you if you stop writing, but everyone needs a break now and then, you're just nice enough to let us know when you're taking one, whereas I'm not. :D
At 4:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Considering my recent blogging changes, I'd be remiss if I didn't say I understand completely.
Hope you find your blogging mojo again, though, because I'd really miss you.
At 5:21 PM,
josetteplank.com said…
I understand. But, I am selfish and would miss your writing. I haven't been reciprocating as I'd like to with comments to let you know just how fully I adore your beautiful way with words. And, I do understand even the simple autumn funk of back-to-school and all the activities and drains on time and personal resources....
Just do make it a hiatus. Go do some flat out living and come back and report. Your words will find you. You're a writer. You have no choice. And thank goodness for that.
At 8:07 PM,
Lara said…
sad... :(
i totally fell off the commenting bandwagon lately, but i would definitely be sad if you weren't a part of the blogosphere anymore. but i'd be happy if i thought you were getting what you needed out of some other medium, i suppose. you gotta do what's best for you.
At 9:16 PM,
crazymumma said…
I get it. I will await your return. if not.
keep writing, at least for yourself.
At 11:23 PM,
Green-Eyed Momster said…
I found you soon after I started my blog in Jan. of this year. You were one of my first favorites. I love your writing style. You should think about writing a book. Seriously!
I love how you put your feelings into words so eloquently!! I look forward to seeing what you've written, even if I don't have time to comment.
I am wishing you well with your haitus. Breaks are good for the soul. Whatever you do, don't get a job in a health food store. OMG!
TMI Central!!
DO, Get A Tattoo!! :)
Don't forget to send me a picture!!
Thanks for letting me see what you look like!!
Come back soon!! You will be missed!! :(
At 7:43 AM,
Sarahviz said…
No! Don't go!
(Will you still come visit me?)
At 12:39 PM,
Major Bedhead said…
Enjoy your break. And I hope it is just a break, because I'm selfish like that.
At 10:56 AM,
sltbee69 said…
I'll miss you and I hope it's just a vacation. I'll be looking for updates from you.
At 2:07 AM,
ww.butterscotch said…
I am sorry, but I also understand. I will miss you, as will my friends and family whom I share your writing with. Someday your muse will sing out and you will be unable to keep her quiet. I'll be waiting for that day. :)
At 8:27 PM,
Fairly Odd Mother said…
Personally, I hope you will be off writing the next great American novel, but make sure you drop me a line when you do so that I can run right out and buy it, ok?
But, if you come back, I'll read---I know what you mean though---I feel overwhelmed by blogging at times which drives me further away.
At 9:06 PM,
Pgoodness said…
have a nice break..but come back soon, eh?
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