I Fucking Hate Politics
In real life, it's because I am a minority in a land where diversity is not celebrated. Anything different is viewed with antipathy and suspicion.
New ideas and fresh perspectives are rarely embraced. Those who express them are treated as interlopers. Outsiders. Infidels. They are a threat to a heritage that runs deep and finds validation in the pages of history.
I don't like being looked at as if I am an insect or an idiot, so I except myself from those conversations.
I don't talk about it online anymore, becuase I learned during the last election that political fervor, not unlike religious fervor, makes people intolerant, inflexible and mean.
And that's what I want to really talk about today.
People...why are we passing moral judgement on other people for choosing differently than ourselves?
Isn't that one of the most basic principals upon which our country was founded?
I have heard the most insulting things from both sides about the other. Democrats are immoral. Republicans are stupid. Liberals have no values. Conservatives can't think for themselves.
And you know what? Sometimes the ones fighting the hardest for freedom and choice, are those most vociferously denigrating those who choose to exercise theirs.
Yes, Liberals, I'm looking at you.
Sometimes, those most doggedly defending American values, are those most willing to compromise them if the ends justify the means.
Yes, Republicans, I'm looking at you.
This is why, for many years, I opted out of any and all political folderol. There never was a "side" that I wanted to be on, because both sides were just....badly behaved.
But I'm older and wiser now and I can't bury my head in the sand any longer. This country is a legacy to our children and our grandchildren. We have a responsibility to them to see that it's one worth leaving.
This election, perhaps even more so than the Bush/Kerry election, is very emotionally charged. The winds of change are blowing and people are scared. That means tempers are short, emotions are high, and the rifts will be deep.
But I actually think that if we can get through all this stuff, the country will be better off for the experience.
Some things that have needed addressing for a very long time now, will be adressed. And though it's going to take some time, I think we are going to see America going back to some of the principals and ideals with which previous generations were raised.
There will be a shift in priorities, a change in how we see America's place in the global community, and a new understanding of how to manage ourselves fiscally, environmentally, and governmentally.
But we have to stop the fighting amongst ourselves.
People who don't agree with you are not stupid or immoral. They just believe differently.
We earned that right when we fought for and won our freedom from Great Britain. It's the cornerstone of our values system. It's what our people have killed and died for in countless wars, and still do.
By being assholes to one another, we cheapen the sacrifices they have made so that we can all choose.
Nobody wants to make a bad choice, after all. Everyone, I believe, is trying to do what they think is best for our country. Their children. The future.
I can't fault someone for that. I can disagree. But I can do it quietly, respectfully, and kindly.
And so can you.
At 10:40 AM,
NatzG said…
Amen sista! (Can I vote for you?)
I fucking hate politics too. In the end it all seems to come down to power and competition, with BOTH sides just doing whatever it takes to win. Sick. It's the same all over the world.
At 10:44 AM,
Girlplustwo said…
i sometimes think i am the most narrow minded person I know. I am so firm in what I believe. So quick to judge the other side. I hate that there ARE sides, I hate that this is what we've been reduced to, I hate that things seem so serious and the balance so great. It's hard NOT to become entrenched, to fight for what you believe, to not understand when others don't see it the same way.
I think it generally comes from a good place, one of hope for something better. But like I said, sometimes I think I am the most narrow minded person I know.
At 11:02 AM,
PunditMom said…
See, you DO rock politics! ;)
At 12:02 PM,
Karen Bodkin said…
Very, VERY well said.
At 1:15 PM,
All Things BD said…
A-freakin'-men to that. Nothing turns me off more, even from my own political party, than insults and denigration instead of insight and discussion.
At 4:03 PM,
sltbee69 said…
I hate politics too for exactly that reason. I'm not a very vocal blogger. I read mostly. However, what I have found during this election season is that a lot of bloggers I loved to read and identified with, have left me with a sour taste in my mouth because of the bashing going on about the side that I lean toward politically. Yeah, they don't share the same views as me, and that's okay, but I don't think it's right to make a generalized statement because it causes hurt feelings, etc. This is the reason that we were all told growing up to never discuss religion and politics. Thanks for saying what I never had the courage to say. I hope your readers can take something from this post.
At 7:41 PM,
Middle Girl said…
This election, perhaps even more so than the Bush/Kerry election, is very emotionally charged. The winds of change are blowing and people are scared. That means tempers are short, emotions are high, and the rifts will be deep. And ongoing.
I wish I shared your overall optimism.
At 8:23 PM,
Amy Y said…
You are so right, Mama. Great post and very well said, as usual. I wish everyone read your blog. Sigh.
(fyi ~ I posted henna belly pics a couple days ago ~ not near as cool as what you'll do for your tattoo (or did you already?) but still fun.)
At 11:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I really hate politics, but not for the reasons you have. I hate them because of the fact that people out there will put their opinion in the hat for non other reason than "hey why not?". Your vote whether on my side or the other side is important. And people who have checked the facts and voted with their hearts and minds are the ones who decide who will lead us into the next 4 years. We talk to our kids about politics and how their opinion is important. When they get older and decide if that is the route they wish to take, I wish that they have strong enough beliefs and opinions that they could be the president and could change the country for the better. Having strong beliefs and opinions isn't bad, but having beliefs based on other people's opinions and beliefs shouldn't be the basis of their beliefs and opinions. My 2 cents for what it's worth.
At 8:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
What would happen if the debates were televised and NO media interpretation was allowed??? What if we had to listen carefully and decide on our own what was said and what it means???
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Please tell me that you are aware that the People of Great Britain also enjoy the same rights as you to vote as they wish. And so do their colonies and countries in the commonwealth. Surely you don't believe that these rights were invented by and are only enjoyed by Americans. I have GOT to be reading that wrong, right?
At 4:17 PM,
Mike said…
Nice post and I agree with you 100%. There is way too much yelling coming from both sides. Too much chest thumping and too many threats. These are important times but I as well as everyone else do not need politics shoved down our throats.
At 7:53 PM,
R.J. Keller said…
Beautiful post. I feel like you crawled inside my brain and pulled out my thoughts.
At 12:56 AM,
flutter said…
At 2:19 AM,
nina michelle said…
politics killed the sugarplumfairy
At 7:04 AM,
Kathleen said…
Wonderful post. The amount of negative energy is overwhelming some days. I can't help but think "what we resist, persists". Here is another good post with some humor!
At 8:28 AM,
Grim Reality Girl said…
Thank you for this post. Loved it -- you said what is in many of our hearts. I rarely express political opinions in my blog, but I am shocked that often people can't even be civil let alone tolerant. I'm glad we have the freedom to express our opinions... I prefer opinions to attacks.
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
(I love Flutter's shared items!)
I could not agree more!
Hi - I am into politics and I do blog about it, BUT, my rule is that I write positively only. I don't slam anyone. I talk about why I like someone or why I have a particular point of view only. OK, sometimes I make fun of the media (huge target eh?) but that's really it.
At 10:14 PM,
Notes and letters to myself.... said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 10:16 PM,
Notes and letters to myself.... said…
Ummm you from Great Britain, news flash:
The nation (USA) was founded by thirteen colonies of Great Britain located along the Atlantic seaboard. On July 4, 1776, they issued the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed their independence from Great Britain and their formation of a cooperative union. The rebellious states defeated Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first successful colonial war of independence. A federal convention adopted the current United States Constitution on September 17, 1787; its ratification the following year made the states part of a single republic with a strong central government. The Bill of Rights, comprising ten constitutional amendments guaranteeing many fundamental civil rights and freedoms, was ratified in 1791.
That's HOW we became AMERICAN. SO yes, you read it right and the author (blog antagonist) of the blog is spot on.
Please go read your history.
At 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just typed "i fucking hate election season" and your blog came up. Im so done with this shit. "YOu suck...ho you suck, your a socialist, well your a continuation of the same. hey, your not qualified, neither is she,"
fuck i want to blow my brains out.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
i didnt mean to type "ho" i meant no...
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