Face It
And I miss everyone, yannow? I feel disconnected and out of the loop.
So I'm forced to admit that it's easier and quicker to jot a quick little status update on the much maligned Facebook, than to sit down and write something meaningful here. I hate eating crow man. I really, really do. But I can choke it down when I have to.
So here goes:
I understand now why Facebook and Twitter have become indispensable to many people. I still think it's evil, mind you, but I'm obliged to concede that it has its uses.
I'm still not interested in having every Tom, Dick and Harry privvy to the particulars of my private life, or having 600 people on my friend list. I couldn't keep up with that many friends in real life any more than I can online. And I don't want to wade through pages of inanity from people I barely know to get to the meaningful stuff from people I actually do know and want to hear about. I roll my eyes any time I see a friend list longer than 100 people or so.
No offense if you have one. I just don't need my kids' dental hygeinist to know that I had a terrible bout of gas yesterday from the drastically increased amount of fiber I am now taking in and accidentally and completely involuntarily cut the cheese while I was working out.
I wouldn't really post anything like that anyway, but you get my point.
So anyway...I get it now. I still don't love it, but I get it.
At 6:09 PM,
All Things BD said…
It's so funny that now you're using that periodically as opposed to blogging. I have yet to set up a Twitter or Facebook account, but my reason was that I thought it would be MORE of a time suck for me than blogging. I think your logic makes a hell of a lot more sense than mine.
At 8:06 PM,
Miz Q said…
You have a facebook page? and we don't KNOW about it? (gasp!)
At 8:21 PM,
Margaret said…
I think FB is much more time-consuming than blogging. It's pretty compelling too, although I do much prefer blogging, where I can tell the whole story, vent or ramble. I hate the idea of twitter though; so many of my friends are totally addicted to it. Blech.
At 8:59 PM,
Middle Girl said…
Yeah, I hear ya.
At 10:15 PM,
Amie Adams said…
Yeah, I'm one of those folks. I don't take it personally. Not like I followed everyone. Grateful for tools that help me separate things out so I can pay attention to those near and dear to me.
My blog almost went away b/c of twitter, but I missed the deeper conversations of blogs. So I'm back.
At 4:33 AM,
gurukarm (@ said…
I've often thought when I stop by here (and even said on Twitter!) that I wish you were on it too. I understand your feelings about it, but it hasn't stopped me from hoping you'd change your mind sometime.
If/when you do, you could set it to private, and just let us, your friendly readers, know you're there, m'kay? ;-)
At 4:35 AM,
gurukarm (@karma_musings) said…
Hmmph. Stupid iTouch, too early in the morning. Hit the wrong key too fast.
At 9:15 AM,
Lara said…
It's all in how you choose to use them, right? For me, I spend a TON of time on Facebook, but that's because I'm nosy and everyone's always updating stuff and I can be privy to all the insides of their lives. That's my hang-up and it means FB is a HUGE time suck. But blogging? Less so.
For you, I'm glad you've found something you feel is a quick and easy way to stay connected to those you care about. :)
At 6:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
um... yes.
At 9:35 PM,
OhTheJoys said…
Amen. Word. I am right there too.
At 2:15 PM,
mamatulip said…
I enjoy Facebook, although quite honestly, I am itching to do a huge friend purge but am too afraid of hurting people's feelings - yes, I am a huge pansy ass. I know, I know. And I do have a Twitter account, although I just can't get on the Twitter bandwagon. I tried - I really did - but I don't get the appeal. I'm fine with Facebook; Twitter I can pass on.
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