The Elephant In The Room
There, I said it.
I do not enjoy my kids being at home every hour of every day. I appreciate them much more when we have time apart from one another.
I am the type of person who needs some solitude every day. I need routine. I need order. When my kids are home on summer vacation, there is none.
Also, this eating thing is driving me insane. Someone is ALWAYS eating something. And no sooner is the mess from one meal or snack cleaned up, than another one is in the making.
I can't get any grocery shopping or errand running done. I can't stop for coffee. Well, I can, but I certainly can't sit and sip it in a leisurely fashion while I read the newspaper or a magazine, or just people watch. I can't go to the library. I can't go get my nails done. Not that I do that, really. But if I wanted to....
And of course, I am being begged to take them to the pool every single day. Today I had to refuse because I absolutely MUST do some laundry and some perfunctory housework. But I will pay for that in the form of whining about boredom, rowdiness, and general tomfoolery while I try to get something accomplished.
Lamentably, it is quite well known that I am at home during the day. So where do you think all the kids end up? Yes, Casa de Antagonist.
Fortunately, they have all caught on to the fact that I can't and won't feed them, so they bring their own snacks and drinks when they come. But the fact still remains that I end up with a houseful of 13 and 14 year old boys. They are good boys, they really are. But they are loud. And rowdy. And smelly. Our house is small, so even when they are ensconced in Pubescent One's room, they are very much in evidence.
I have a girls' weekend planned for July. And boy, am I going to need it.
Hats off to you Moms who love having your kids home for the summer. Those of you who plan interesting, educational and invigorating activities. Those of you who picnic, backpack, camp and explore. I just don't have the werewithal or the patience.
Me? I'm counting the days until school starts again.
Last night at midnight, I hollered at my kids not to get out of bed one more time or I would open up a big old can of whupass on them. Seriously. At some point, I need to be DONE being Mom for the day.
Diminutive One was hurt because I said I didn't want to see his face again until morning.
Only 119 days to go.
God help us all.
At 2:05 PM,
KT said…
can't say i blame you. i love my kids dearly, but i too need the time away. i didn't make it as a SAHM. I tried. I went nuts after 6 months and went back to work. our whole family is happier now. i carry around that guilt too, but just like you..i tell people and then feel like yelling "There, I said it!" So now that my kids are school age, I know I'd be feeling the EXACT same way as you do when summers came.
At 2:43 PM,
merinz said…
OH boy can I identify with this post! Right down to the smelliness of teenage boys! And the eating. One of my boys friends used to go straight to the fridge, OUR fridge, and help himself to whatever he could find!
At 2:51 PM,
sltbee69 said…
While I work out of the home and I am mom to one almost 11-yr old girl, I totally relate to about your boy getting his feelings hurt because of what you said to him. Kids just don't realize just how far they push us and when it gets to that point, they went too far. It's like, how many times to I have to tell you to do/not do something?!
At 3:26 PM,
Green-Eyed Momster said…
Neener, Neener, I'm going to see about a part time job today! Sorry about the neener, neener but I've been home with kids for over 16 years. They never WENT to school. I just had to.....Drinking heavily an option? You could get all caught up on your reading this summer and suck on some cute little cocktails?? Probably not the best idea, sorry! Now I really hope I get the job!! Hugs!!
At 3:59 PM,
Woman in a Window said…
Man, your summers are long! My kids go to school until the last week in June and then they're back after the first week in September. I work three days a week in the summer and while I know they'd rather me be home and them not be in daycare, it makes my two days home alone with them valuable. The weekend, of course, with me and dad and kids is pure pleasure/hell, depending on the weather...good luck...I feel for ya...
At 4:10 PM,
Amie Adams said…
Why do you think I work in an office??
Hang in there sister!!
At 4:51 PM,
TheMama said…
I just posted my hate letter to Summer last week! My little one is still well, little, so it's more about the weather, etc., and the Faaaaaaaaamileeeeee vacations...
Ugh. Fall can come back any time now.
At 6:30 PM,
Shelley Jaffe said…
Years from now, all the odorific crew that had the privilege to hang out at your house will remember your tolerance and acceptance. Better your house than out in the streets, gettin' into trouble...
You could be in my position - counting the days left until school's over and the number of days left until my oldest leaves home to go away to university. Sigh.
At 7:19 PM,
SUEB0B said…
Send them to the pool by themselves. That's what the pool is for.
At 7:43 PM,
flutter said…
I think Suebob has it right
At 7:55 PM,
Blog Antagonist said…
Oh girls...would that I could. But there is no lifegaurd, so the rules stipulate that children under 13 must be supervised by an adult. Pubescent One could go, but Diminutive One could not. I probably don't need to tell you what kind of problems THAT would cause. SIGH.
I need to make a motion at the next HOA that we hire a lifegaurd.
At 8:16 PM,
Notes and letters to myself.... said…
Two words: "Summer School" all summer long. Then follow that with "Summer Camp" by the time you know it -- it will be the day after labor day and your kids will be home.
At 8:49 PM,
Life As I Know It said…
Can you get them into any sports camps or something? You are absolutely right that we appreciate them more when we have time apart!
At 8:51 PM,
Fairly Odd Mother said…
LOL, well, you already know that I'm with mine all day and believe me, by 8pm, I 'shut off' the mom switch. And, I 'close' my kitchen at different times of the day or I'd literally never be able to leave that room.
I've always joked that I find 're-entry' to be the hardest--that is that jolt of 'children' when you've had a break from them. So, I think I'd be having a hard time with summer vacation too! Oh, and smelly boys! My little guy still smells of lovely stuff.
At 10:25 PM,
Mamahut said…
Amen sister, would you like 2 more? They are driving the mama crazy. I think something like 4,000,000 fights today! UUUHHHGG
At 10:36 PM,
Angela said…
We all need time to ourselves. Sometimes we just need more than at others.
Hope you make it.
At 10:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
MOre than a week and I am pulling my hair out.
At 12:24 AM,
Unknown said…
We don't get out of school until the 19th, and I'm already sick of my kids. They won't do a damn thing over the summer, they're already checked out of school, and they too have friends over (mostly the Boy's buds) all the time. The friends bring over 2 litre bottles of 99 cent soda and bags of disgusting cheetos and other things I don't allow in my house. They hate to eat here because all we have is HEALTHY. OMG, the suffering!
They bring their various gaming systems and totally hog the tvs, and make way too much noise. I'm going to regulate it this summer by only allowing friends over every other day.
As for silence, why do you THINK I stay up all night? I mean, DUH!
At 5:32 AM,
Ruth Dynamite said…
It's crazy now, but too soon they'll be all grown up and you might find yourself longing for the smelly crew, the madness, and the mayhem.
Hang in there!
At 8:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
My kids are here all day, every day. Last night I was attempting to read while my sixteen-year-old babbled the background, and I finally said, "If I let you have a couple of extra hours of computer time, will you go away and let me read?" Yes...all of this togetherness brings out the "Mother of the Year" in me, obviously.
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can remember my Mother saying, many time, "I'll be so *&%^ glad when school starts back." Margie
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aren't they old enough to ignore? I certainly spend whole afternoons pretending I live with very short, loud roommates. I drink my tea and read my paper and the kids run back and forth past me screaming like banshees and I just ignore them. If you're reading, you also can't see the mess!
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
"It's hard to believe, but...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this."
-Trace Adkins
You might not like country music, but there is real value in these words. I share your frustration - I need quiet time and my boys fight about EVERYTHING!!! But I know it's normal and I try to remind myself that they'll be gone some day and I'll curse the silence.
PS - Here in NY we get just under 70 days off for summer.
At 3:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
When we complained of boredom? My mom put us to work. Scrubbing floors. Cleaning out the refrigerator (with cleaners, not eating). Even painting the house. We stopped complaining of boredom. And stopped bugging her for things to do.
At 4:36 PM,
Amy Y said…
I was looking forward to summer... to days at the pool, the museum, the library, the park, just spending time with the kids I was feeling like I'd missed as they grew up right before my eyes.
Then, yesterday it started. And they behaved like lil shits all afternoon (after a good morning, trying to fool me into continuing to think it was going to be a fun summer).
I'm ready for August. In the mean time, I just might have to relax that 1 hour TV/video game rule at our house.
At 7:03 PM,
Shelley said…
Amen, sister. This is why (well, one of many reasons) why I could never homeschool. I work evenings, so I'm home with them all day during the summer. And let me tell you, by 4pm I am READY to go to work. Sometimes I even leave a bit early. I too, get along with my kids much better when they are not up my ass 24/7. Luckily for me, we are on a modified year-round schedule, so our "summer" is only 8weeks. 60 days. They got out May 28th, and they go back July 28th. Not that I'm counting days, or anything.
We do go to the pool a lot though, because this is Arizona and it's too damn hot to do anything else. I don't mind the pool so much. It's better than the "we're bored!" whining.
At 7:22 PM, said…
Someday, though... They'll be grown and gone.
I actually enjoy the summertime. I know that by August I'll be feeling this way, but I am SO GLAD to have them home right now. I feel like I get to really know my kids in the summertime. WITHOUT the scheduling of school and scouts and sports...
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'd would absolutely LOVE to be home with my Son during the summer. During the school year, during the summer--whenever. I'd take it.
Unfortunately, circumstances aren't such that I'll probably ever do that.
And each of his summers--a time where he should be able to hang out, carefree, at a friend's or at the pool, will probably be spent in daycare, at camps, at his dad's, or at a grandparent's house. He'll never get to enjoy the kind of summers I had--or that your kids get to enjoy.
Sigh. I guess the grass is always greener.
At 10:20 PM,
Girlplustwo said…
good lord i love my desk.
At 10:04 AM,
mamatulip said…
I could have written this myself. I hate summer too.
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have 2 girls, 8 and 10, and I love me some summer vacation! Ive been looking forward to this since spring break. We were at Disneyworld this time last week. I've slept til 9 every day this week. DD8 loves making scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. I've had help with the housework. Of course there is some bickering here and there but they do that during the school year too.
I'll be one of the few sad to see summer vaction end, I suppose.
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